Klatov catacombs

State: Czech Republic
City: Klatovy
GPS: 49.395018, 13.289736

Klatovy catacombs are located in the town of Klatovy, specifically under the Jesuit Church dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary and St. Ignácovi. 30 mummified bodies can be seen there, 7 others are stored in the inaccessible part of the crypts. The Klatovy catacombs, which over time became an important Klatovy monument, an atmosphere combining eternity with time, remind not only the history of the city and the Jesuit order. They can be seen in the faces of those whose lives and deeds contributed to the still visible face of Klatovy - it includes the church, college, seminary, school (grammar school). All of these buildings were built by the Jesuits and significantly changed the architecture of much of the southwest city.